A Day in My Life as a Senior

What does a day in my life as a senior like? A few weeks ago, out of idleness, I thought of knowing what a day of some seniors be like. So I posted this question this question to some FB senior citizens groups: “What keeps you busy in a typical day?”

Are You Living Your Life to the Fullest

Are you living your life to the fullest? The question got you, didn’t it? It made you scratch your head and ponder whether you are or are not. Either way will make you dig deeper into your soul, peel off its layers of pretenses to arrive at the naked truth. And nobody wants to appear naked…

How to Banish Loneliness from You Life

You don’t need to be lonely because you live alone, or lacking in social interaction. Take a lesson from the 2 guys in prison who, one night, looked outside of their cells through the prison bars. One guy saw the beautiful full moon set against a dark sky, dwarfing the millions of twinkling little stars…

Going 70 but Revving like a Guy at 50

“Why do you drink alone?’ My date asked me this question over a few beers at City Times Square a month ago. Before I go into it, here’s a quick rundown of the place. City Times Square is a two-story building 15  minutes drive from my home. It is my favorite Saturday-evening hangout because it…