How to Stay Mentally Healthy in Old Age

Congratulations! That you are reading this means you are mentally healthy. Your mind is on an even keel. You can understand and make clear and sensible decisions; your mind doesn’t seesaw between fantasy and reality. You can appreciate the colors, sights and sounds around you; feel the warmth of your children’s hands and the smooth…

20 Self Love Quotes that Will Brighten Your Day

Do you love yourself? I bet you do but are mum about it for fear of appearing self-centered, vain, egotistical, or narcissistic. Loving oneself, or self-love is none of that.  It is isn’t about impressing others of your virtues or blowing your own horn. If taken in its undiluted form, it is something people cannot go…

How to Banish Loneliness from You Life

You don’t need to be lonely because you live alone, or lacking in social interaction. Take a lesson from the 2 guys in prison who, one night, looked outside of their cells through the prison bars. One guy saw the beautiful full moon set against a dark sky, dwarfing the millions of twinkling little stars…

What is Bipolar Disorder and How to Cope with It

Are elderly people cranky? Does their mood rise and fall like the tide, or follow the lunar cycle? These are the common perceptions younger people have of elderly people. While a few may fit the mold, but they are the exception rather than the rule. A lot of old fellas are friendly, jaunty, jovial and…