Wearables for Seniors: Cool and Super Useful

Wearables are items that are worn or carried, as an accessory. The term is not new. In fact, it dates back to the 13th century when the first wearable was invented – the eyeglasses. Thanks to technology, today’s wearables are more than just a pair of reading glasses. They are more multi-functional, cool and chic devices that…

How Technology is Redefining the Lives of Seniors

Since the invention of the wifi in 1997, and its introduction into our lives, things have changed forever. Technology has changed everything, i.e, how we live, our views of life and living, our relationships, the things we use and how we use them, etc.

Technology Benefits Among Seniors

Can you imagine what a senior’s life would be like if not for the latest in technology? It would certainly be like my father’s when he was in his 50s. My father was with the mass media and I can still remember his banging away at his Olivetti portable typewriter until late at night for his newspaper…